Maryland Transportation Authority - Baltimore Red Line Light Rail Project, Baltimore, MD
Project Gallery
The Red Line is a 14.1 mile long light rail transit project in Baltimore, MD. It runs from Woodlawn to the Johns Hopkins University Hospital Bay view campus. Mimar provided engineering and architectural services as a subconsultant to the General Engineering Consultant team for the Baltimore Red Line Light Rail project which is a large scale joint venture capital improvement project between prime consultants RK&K, Parsons Brinkerhoff, and AECOM.
Mimar was involved in schematic phase for pre-design. We were responsible for planning studies for various ‘Transit Oriented Developments’ around numerous stations in the city. Mimar prepared architectural renderings for all stations and building modeling for Baltimore city and provided structural design.
In addition, Mimar , through a comprehensive and extensive public outreach program, spanning eighteen months, provided services to more than twenty different advisory committees formed to represent various neighborhood areas along the Red Line project route. Our outreach team met with a neighborhood advisory committee every two weeks.
In support of Governor Martin O'Malley's "Smart, Green & Growing" initiative, the Red Line would provide enhanced mobility and connecting service to Baltimore's existing transit systems - MARC commuter service, metro, light rail and local and commuter bus routes.
Storm Drain Design: Our civil engineers provided professional drainage analysis of the existing storm drain networks within the 14.1 mile project route corridor, which includes 19 rail stations and 5 new/expanded parking areas, and developed proposed retro-fits of these networks to meet state (MSHA) and local (Baltimore City & Baltimore County) roadway drainage requirements. Coordinated with Baltimore City Department of Public Works to address existing drainage concerns and integrate designs with existing City capital improvement projects.
Stormwater Management Design: Mimar provided the stormwater management facilities for peak attenuation as well as water quality purposes and incorporated best management practices. Mimar's designers rose to the urban design challenges presented with this type of project by combining site specific stormwater management design elements with practical construction practices.
Roadway & Parking Lot Design: Mimar provided civil design expertise to coordinate with other design disciplines to ensure the project’s drainage needs were met. These design elements included curb line location and gutter design, pavement cross-slope, and open space grading.